14 Jun
14 Jun
10:59 a.m.
Hi all, quick query: In presentational mathml, the <mtext> element used to set its contents in roman font, with correct spacing for text. In recent and current (Live) ConTeXt this seems to be broken, and the contents of <mtext> elements come out in math italic with spaces ignored. Test file showing problem on Live: \usemodule[mathml] \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \starttext \startXMLdata <math display="block"> <mrow>mml:mtextvol<mo>×—</mo><msqrt> <mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>t</mi><mo>-</mo><mi>T</mi><mo>)</mo> </mrow> </msqrt> </mrow> </math>\stopXMLdata \stoptext "vol" should be in roman, not math italic. Is there a quick fix? Thanks, Duncan