2011/1/26 Procházka Lukáš
Hello Mojca,
I launched your modified first-setup.bat - it seems the latest Ctx version was updated successfully.
Thanks a lot for testing ...
BTW: It normally happens to me that I have to run 'mtxrun --generate' after I updated Ctx.
(or that format generation breaks ...)
So if you thought this would be useful (actually it may depend on whether an explicit 'mtxrun --generate' after update is necessary what I don't know -
It *is* necessary if some new files appear. The problem was that usually the wrong mtxrun was called which had zero effect since it possibly updated the cache in TeX Live or some other ConTeXt distribution (under another path). You can try the following: - make sure that there is no tex in your path (set PATH ...) - delete texmf-cache - delete some files (for example context.mkiv and a few random other files) - call first-setup.bat (the modified version that I sent you without an explicit mtxrun --generate) - call setuptex (or manually set PATH) - try to compile some file The mtxrun --generate at the end of script doesn't really help since already the format generation is broken if some new files arrive. Thanks, Mojca