Hello, Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm a novice ConTeXt user, switching from LaTeX and without so much time :( I made some time ago a very small test document using the nice Delicious font, which I put in /usr/share/fonts/opentype/exljbris/ (under Debian). This is the straightforward document: \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[Delicious] \mainlanguage [it] \setupbodyfont [10pt] \setupheadertexts [] \starttext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \stoptext It worked without a problem, as the pdf remembered me. Now, I tried to compile it again, but it doesn't find the Delicious font anymore; on the contrary, it doesn't find system fonts anymore. I followed the instructions in the TeX Live Guide, ran mtxrun --script fonts --reload and context --generate again, without any change. However, I noticed that the mtxrun doesn't walk into the /usr/share/fonts directory, but only inside those from TeX Live. Have you any idea of what's happening? If you need them I can attach the output of any of these scripts. Thank you very much for your help, Marco