Thanx Wolfgang for your help. I made changes according to your instructions, but it does not work still. I can not even translate the example of what I sent last time to the mailing list. It is needed in addition to changes in the shove-lst.mkvi do something (eg any context database files refresh, etc. .. what I know)? Or what I doing wrong? Thanx Jaroslav Hajtmar Dne 25.2.2012 17:52, Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a):
Am 25.02.2012 um 12:02 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Thanx Wolfgang for reply, but it does not work still.
I was in a hurry and had no time to test it but the following is tested and works.
\def\strc_lists_write_between[#tag][#settings]#command% we can overload location {\begingroup \edef\currentlist{#tag}% \doifelse{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start {\strc_lists_inject_yes[#settings,\c!type=\s!command][command={#command}]} {\endgroup}}
\def\strc_lists_write_to_yes[#settings]#first#second% {\strc_lists_inject_yes[\c!location=\v!here,#settings,\c!type=\s!simple][first={#first},second={#second}]}
@Hans The “\s!” prefix for first, second and command can’t be used because otherwise the keys end up as “\\s!first ” in Lua table index.