Dear Hans and gang, I got this working in mkii -- using other macros --, but mkiv is frustrating me: ====================== %% Hans' bottom accent code \unprotect \unexpanded\def\bottomaccent#1#2#3#4#5% down right slantcorrection accent char {\dontleavehmode % why this align mess \vtop {\forgetall \baselineskip\zeropoint \lineskip#1% \everycr\emptytoks \tabskip\zeropoint \lineskiplimit\zeropoint \setbox0\hbox{#4}% \halign {##\crcr\hbox{#5}\crcr \hidewidth \hskip#2\wd0 \hskip-#3\slantperpoint % in plain 1ex * dimenless value \vbox to .2ex{\box0\vss}\hidewidth \crcr}}} \unexpanded\def\buildtextbottomdot {\bottomaccent{0ex}{4}{5}{\kern.1em\textbottomdot}} \let\d\buildtextbottomdot \protect \defineactivecharacter ḥ {\d{h}} \starttext ḥ {\it ḥ} \stoptext ====================== I need to adjust the horizontal position of the dot under the slanted char. I would assume the third parameter would control it but nothing seems to work. Of course LM does not look so bad but I'm using a different font so this is just an illustration. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shīʿī Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523