16 Nov
16 Nov
10:59 p.m.
Dear syndicate, This is a good standard color to add to the distribution: I got the following experimental cmyk values from a google search http://www.google.com/search?hs=gp9&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&q=turquoise+cmyk&btnG=Search There is apparently no standard in this regard, and I would like to get suggestions for a better turquoise. Best Idris ==========turquoise.tex=============== \setupoutput[pdftex] \definecolor[turquoise][c=.71,m=0,y=.07,k=.12] % 71%, 0%, 7%, 12% \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext {\tfc\turquoise This is turquoise} \stoptext ===================================== -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523