Dne četrtek 17. junija 2010 ob 20:09:31 je Wolfgang Schuster napisal(a):
I run now your example on my system and noticed a problem with the footnote numbering, i can fix this in the next release but for the moment add
to your document.
Hmm, I added it, but I still get footnote 3 and 4 (instead of 1 and 2). Is there a specific place I should drop it to?
The hyphenation for expenses is also not very pleasant, you can change the alignment of the text with the following setup (global \setupalign would also work)
That one fails for me; but \setupalign[right,broad] seems to work. Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 www: http://matija.suklje.name xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org