23 Feb
23 Feb
3:27 p.m.
On Wed, 23 Feb 2011, Curiouslearn wrote:
I will try to do this using lua loop. I should learn it. I am learning so many new things currently that I have not had a chance to learn Lua.
I was wondering if Aditya's filter module could be used to use Python instead of Lua, but I suppose I should ask that as a new question.
It is easy to do this in TeX, so no need to go to lua (or python). Call \getfiguredimensions[filename] Then you can use \noffigurepages \figurenaturalwidth \figurenaturalheight to place each page of the figure. Something like: \getfiguredimensions[filename] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\externalfigure[figurename][page=\recurselevel]} Aditya