18 Sep
18 Sep
4:23 p.m.
* Charles Doherty
Dear Mojca,
Here is the sequence that I used:
cd context
curl -o first-setup.sh http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/first-setup.sh
sh ./first-setup.sh
source ./tex/setuptex
cd echo '. ~/context/tex/setuptex' >> .bash_profile
luatools --selfupdate
mtxrun --selfupdate
luatools --generate
context --make
sh ./first-setup.sh --extras=all
In TeXShop I then run a one page file called Purser.tex . The console readout gives me: ...
Here's a total shot in the dark (I don't use OS X anymore): Last time that I used TeXShop, it had an "engine" file in the library folder that I sometimes had to modify if ConTeXt changed the commands available for use. -- David