Hi Marcin, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
I have quite a few questions about ConTeXt (and more coming, I guess!). As a newbie, many things seem difficult for me. For now, the questions are:
How does \part exactly work? I could see: messing with pagenumbers; part title not appearing; strange behaviour in eg backmatter...
Exactly? That is what I know: part is the highest level of a structure (e.g. a book). Part title will not occur in the TOC unless you change the settings manually (look in the main manual for \setuppagenumbering,look at chapter "text elements" main manual, pp 135,
How do exactly front, body, back matter and appendices environments work?
By means of these you van devide a document in different portions, which have each their own "style" e.g. pagenumber in roman numerals, headings numbered with characters instead of figures (e,g, appendices). Of course you can change the standard set options.
How do the system modes (*...-modes) work exactly? I managed to make \startmode[*interaction] ... \stopmode work, but what about the others "starred" modes?
Hm, no experience with these, thoug using extensively mode-structures...
What are the possible parameters for the \setupoutput command?
Sorry for asking so many things... I hope that when I know the answers I will be able to put some articles on ConTeXt wiki, so that other people do not bother you with the same questions again and again.
You are welcome. There is a lot of information available. Context knows a bunch of manuals: http://www.pragma-ade.com/ and there is a wiki: http://contextgarden.net/Main_Page Kind regards Willi