On 2/28/23 21:18, Hans Hagen via ntg-context wrote:
On 2/28/2023 6:23 PM, Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context wrote:
[...] Could anyone be so kind to confirm the issue or to explain the rationale behind the oversized /CropBox? different code path (dates from mkiv but i can adapt it for lmtx)
anyway, overflow is in the 7th decimal so quite harmless i guess
Many thanks for your reply, Hans. Sorry, I’m afraid my explanation was poor. /MediaBox for both pages is [ 0 0 595.275590072 841.88975789 ]. /CropBox for page 1 is [ 0 0 595.27559 841.889758 ] (which is fine, no problem here). /CropBox for page 2 is [ 0 0 968.199847 841.889758 ] (which is a much wider box, converting it from portrait to landscape). I hope it is clearer now. Many thanks for your help, Pablo