On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:12:22 +0100
Ulrike Fischer
⟂ U+27C2 \perp, for example. This is a "show-stopper" for me.
Works ok for me on latex + windows:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont{Cambria Math} \begin{document}\pagestyle{empty} $ ^^^^27c2 blblb $ \end{document}
(the document only uses cambria.ttc, so the glyph must be from this font).
The context code
\setupbodyfont[cambria] \starttext $\perp $ abc \stoptext
works fine for me too.
As Hans points out, \perp is U+22A5 (UP TACK), not U+27C2 (PERPENDICULAR), and might differ (in weight) from U+2225 (PARALLEL) or \parallel, although this may depend on the particular font design. (UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT TACK are a set) Is the definition used in char-ent.lua the right choice? char-ent.lua: ["perp"] = "⊥", -- U+022A5 Perhaps the latex package unicode-math makes the substitution for you. (Note that dejavu has U+27C2.) MWE: \setupbodyfont [cambria,20pt] %\setupbodyfont [dejavu,20pt] \startTEXpage $⊥⟂∥$ \stopTEXpage Alan