Am 08.03.2012 um 11:49 schrieb Tobias Columbus:
Hi all,
I am new to ConTeXt and asked myself if it is possible to have only the number of an enumeration in the margin and the title in `serried` position. Here is an example of what I think:
margin | text --------------------------- | blah blah | blah blah 1.1| Definition (something): blah | 1.2| Lemma: blah
After digging a while in the documentation and code, I came to the conclusion that this is currently not possible. Then I tried some fiddling in the context code and this directly leads to my second question: I modified the file strc-des.mkiv. However, the changes seem to be ignored by my context binary. What did I do wrong? I also tried context --generate, but that also did not i make context aware of my changes.
You can use the annotation module: \usemodule[annotation] \define[2]\EnumerationCommand {\inleft[scope=local,style=normal]{\placeannotationnumber}% \placeannotationtext\doifsomething{\placeannotationtitle}{\space(\placeannotationtitle)}:\space \placeannotationcontent} \defineannotation[definition][text=Definition,alternative=command,command=\EnumerationCommand,prefixstopper=.] \defineannotation[lemma][definition][text=Lemma,counter=definition] \starttext \chapter{Test} blah blah blah blah \definition[title=something]{blah} \lemma{blah} \stoptext Wolfgang