Problem: memory violoating error under Linux while running mp
From: "Patrick Gundlach"
2. 'Memory violating' error while compiling nested mp code (under Linux) -- still can't find the answer...
that is really strange. If you are brave and experienced, you might trace the mpost run with strace to see where the error occurs.
Please post the logfile of the bad run.
As I mentioned, created 'mpgraph.log' file has zero length...
you don't need --automprun. Everything should work fine w/o.
I tried to omit this option, but without that MetaPost doesn't run at all.
could you post the output of texexec --verbose and the logfile of a simple ConTeXt file with mp code in it?
Ahh, to late! Finally I decided to remove tl7 installation (just before i recived your answer) and try to make an upgrade. So if the problem will occur again, I will report it to you. Thanks, Pawe/l