Thanks for the advice. No luck yet. Thanks for the diff, I don't think it should make a lot of difference. I'll check with the texfont manual, I think the encodings are displayed there. (what does an /ldot look like anyway :-) On Monday 10 February 2003 15:30, you wrote:
Maarten Sneep said this at Mon, 10 Feb 2003 12:58:39 +0100:
a - Did anyone succeed in using the free postscript fonts on Mac OS X, using a distribution that I use (i.e. the most recent version)
Yes, but noy , I did with TeXLive7 on MacOSX, at least, which is a superset of GW's distro.
With some bugfixes: bitsream is correclty named.
b - What were the exact commands that you used? Can you send me a simple test file?
The key thing for me (perhaps obvious to others) was making sure the source font tree was in the same place as the destination tree, so...
texfont /usr/local/teTeX/texmf/context/data/type-tmf.dat --en=texnansi --fontroot=/usr/local/teTeX/texmf-local --install --makepath
I tried this on the main texmf tree (which makes sure that the source and dest are the same).
c - Did you experience the same EC.enc vs ec.enc naming problem?
I used the Hans-suggested texnansi encoding, which may have helped. I did a diff between GW/tetex2.0's new EC.enc and the older ec.enc. Just one line different: diff texmf/dvips/base/ec.enc share/texmf/dvips/base/EC.enc 67c67 < /ldot /zacute /zcaron /zdotaccent /ij /exclamdown /questiondown /sterling ---
/ydieresis /zacute /zcaron /zdotaccent /ij /exclamdown /questiondown
d - Do other platforms have the same problems with teTeX 2.0 (Hans: What version of teTeX are you using on your linux system, since at your place it obviously works ;-)
I compiled the teTeX binaries myself and overlaid them on top of my TeXLive tree. Only my MP graph problems so far suggest it might not have been the best idea. :) I haven't dealt with the rest of the teTeX 2.0 tree, yet.
That's funny: Gerben uses the other combination: binaries from texlive, texmf tree from teTeX and some additions on top. Kind regards, Maarten Sneep