I've been updating the Footnotes page on the Wiki, and have a few questions as a result: 1.) Footnotes in footnotes in footnotes. Are these possible? When I do something like \footnote{A note\footnote{With a note\footnote{With a third footnote.}.}.}, only the first two notes are included in the footnote block, though the number for the third footnote is generated. 2.) Footnotes as marginals. There was text on the Wiki saying that it's possible to typeset footnotes as marginals, but I can't find any references to this in the ConTeXt manual. Am I missing something? I know it's possible to do marginal notes, but those don't get footnote numbers, and so aren't the same thing.... 3.) Footnotes placed without line breaks. If one does a number of short footnotes, they get set like so: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four Is it possible to have them set without line breaks, like this? If so, how? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 4.) Footnote alignment. Currently, footnotes are set so that the left end of the text of the footnote is aligned with the left edge of the text, and the footnote number hangs out into the margin. Is it possible to change this? (For instance, suppose I would like the number aligned to the text-edge, and then a fixed-width space, and then the text?) 5.) In LaTeX, there's a means to place a footnote (and generate a number and reference for the footnote) without typesetting the number in the text, in order to handle cases where the "real" footnote mechanism breaks down. Is it possible to do this in ConTeXt? 6. When I reference a footnote's number using \note[ref], I get the number typeset as a superscript. This looks a little odd to me in sentences such as "See footnote \note[ref] on the previous page" -- it would look better if the number (or symbol) were typeset in the normal font. Is there another way to reference it so as to do that? 7. What does the "location=high" in \setupfootnotes do? Thanks! - Brooks