Am 01.12.2008 um 14:34 schrieb Richard Rascher-Friesenhausen:
Zhaopeng Xing schrieb:
Does anyone know how to describe algorithm procedures in similar way as LaTeX algorithmic and algorithm packages? I tried to search it on wiki but found nothing. Thanks.
I once tried to copy the LaTeX environment to ConTeXt. And this is, what came out of it: *t-algorithmic.tex* It works for me, but i'm open to new and better implementations...
It's ok for a private module but before you can put it on the garden a few things can be done better. - define the commands (IF, WHILE etc.) local and use protected names in the code, users can user similiar names in their documents and you have to take care of this - you can use \doadaptleftskip to increase/decrease the left margin with each \IF/\ENDIF ... pair - you can define \Algorithm with \defineframedtext[Algorithm] Thanks for sharing it with the rest of the community. Wolfgang