Thank you, Wolfang, it works great. There's only one problem: I also have even bigger floats which I need to turn. For these turned floats, the left/right alignment leads to undesired shifting, see the attached example. How can I avoid the shifting for those? I've tried to set command={} manually, but it doesn't work. May it be even possible to let Context automatically determine if the float is to be turned right or left, depending on its page? By the way, is \definemeasure meant as a replacement for \newdimen and \dimexpr? Are there caveats about switching to it? Thanks and kind regards, Joshua Krämer \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setuplayout[backspace=4cm,width=12cm] \definemeasure[Widetext][\textwidth+\rightmargindistance+\rightmarginwidth] \setupfloats[command=\FloatCommand] \define\FloatCommand {\dowithnextbox {\signalrightpage \ifdim\nextboxwd>\textwidth \doifrightpageelse{\leftaligned{\flushnextbox}}{\rightaligned{\flushnextbox}}% \else \midaligned{\flushnextbox}% \fi} \hbox} \showframe \starttext \startplacefigure[location={270, page}] \framed[width=\textheight,framecolor=red]{Turned} \stopplacefigure \startplacefigure \framed[width=\measure{Widetext},framecolor=red]{Left margin} \stopplacefigure \input knuth \page \startplacefigure \framed[width=\measure{Widetext},framecolor=red]{Right margin} \stopplacefigure \stoptext