On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 01:47, Kip Warner wrote:
If there is a url field in the bibliography database present for a given entry, how would one have the title interactive to the url?
I didn't try to answer your question directly, but the following example comes from one of my documents (please don't ask me how I got it working since I don't remember, but it was probably with Taco's intervention and by cloning definitions of \insertbiburl). I turns a number into well-defined URL and displays just the number with a link to that URL. \newbibfield[cobissid] \unprotect \def\bibinsertcobissid#1#2#3% {{\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@cobissid}% {\edef\ascii{\@EA\detokenize\@EA{\@@pb@cobissid}}% #1\expanded{\gotoCOBISS{\@@pb@thekey}{\ascii}}#2}{#3}}} \protect % http://www.cobiss.si/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=cobib&rid=1063780&lani=EN % http://www.cobiss.si/scripts/cobiss?command=SEARCH&base=COBIB&select=BN=0521867444&lani=en \def\gotoCOBISS#1#2% {\ifbibinteractionelse {\useURL[bibfoo#1][http://www.cobiss.si/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=cobib&rid=#2]% \goto{#2}[url(bibfoo#1)]}% {#2}} and then my book layout uses \insertcobissid{ {\sc cobiss.si-id}: \bgroup}{\egroup.}{}% followed by an example: \startpublication [k=book:willock2009, t=book, a=Willock, y=2009, s=, u=] \title{Molecular symmetry} \author[]{David J}[D.~J.]{}{Willock} \pubyear{2009} \pubname{J. Wiley \& Sons} \city{Chichester} \isbn{978-0-470-85348-1} \cobissid{30303749} \stoppublication Maybe that (with explanation) deserves an entry on the wiki, but you can have a nice exercise. If this doesn't help you, I'll take a look tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Mojca