Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
in the MacOSX-TeX-list (mainly on LaTeX) I just read a discussion on "Comments in PDF" (by AcrobatReader7).
I was involved in that discussion.
Do we have a ConTeXt tool which can enable users of e.g. AdobeReader 7 to add comments to PDF files ? Or is it true that this "comments enabled flag" can only be set for PDFs generated by Acrobat -- and only by the original author?
Quick summary of the thread: The general opinion was that this is effectively an Acrobat-only feature. In fact, it seems that one needs Acrobat 6 or 7 Pro to enable commenting in this way and that (at least on Mac) the "commmenting author" needs Reader 7 to be able to participate. That said, it was suggested that (though ill-advisable) the Acrobat security model could probably be readily breached in this respect by third party tools. I wonder if either (or both) of these: http://shop.pdf-office.com/product_info.php?products_id=34&osCsid=a1241e335670fc0b939a8c03b77536f2 http://shop.pdf-office.com/product_info.php?products_id=47&osCsid=a1241e335670fc0b939a8c03b77536f2 allow it ? Setting comments is not AFAICS mentioned in the blurb, but similar tricks are. OTOH an academic license for 7 Pro is not *that* much more expensive. mark.