On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 18:46:18 -0500 Rik Kabel
wrote: I have a few questions about the new bibliography system. The following example code illustrates the problems.
\startbuffer[TestBib] @OTHER{Author1975a, author = {An Author}, title = {A title}, year = {1975}, } @OTHER{Author1975b, author = {Author, An}, title = {Another title}, year = {1975}, } @OTHER{Else1975a, author = {Somebody Else}, title = {A third title}, year = {1975}, } @OTHER{Else1975b, author = {Somebody Else}, title = {A last title}, year = {1975}, }
@FILM{Movie, producer = {Normal Name}, director = {Funny Name}, title = {Who Knew?}, year = {2010}, publisher = {Producer}, address = {Hollywood} }
@INBOOK{Subtitle, author = {Sally Subtitle-Spacing}, title = {Another Country}, year = {1958}, publisher = {Publisher}, address = {City}, volume = {16}, booktitle = {On the road}, booksubtitle = {Books and essays written while traveling under cover}, }
\stopbuffer \loadbtxdefinitionfile[apa] \usebtxdefinitions [apa] \usebtxdataset [TestBib.buffer] \definebtxrendering [Pubs][apa]
How can I get “An Author” treated like “Author, An” as in the OTHER examples? The result should like like that of “Somebody Else”. Bibtex databases have both forms and it would be nice if the work was done by ConTeXt automatically. Context, like bibtex, interprets "An Author" as "First Last", "Author, An" being the explicit form, useful when the last name contains several components.
The APA style, that you use, abbreviates the first names. Thus, "An Author" gets rendered correctly as Author, A. and "Somebody Else" as Else, S. Understood. The problem here is that An Author and Author, An are
On 2017-02-21 19:09, Alan Braslau wrote: treated as two different names, and so the name is repeated on the second bibliography reference. It would be nice if ConTeXt recognized that they are the same name and use a bibliography dash for the second occurrence.
The manual suggests that fields like director (see the FILM example) can be induced to be treated as author/editor names by sufficiently advanced users. Would such a user please share the method? producer= and director= are treated as names for @film{} in the APA specification. But the output here simply puts it together as FunnyName, while it should be Name, F. In the INBOOK example, can we get a BOOKSUBTITLE field to complement the BOOKTITLE? My real bibliography has some very long titles, and I would rather have only the main part appear with \cite[booktitle][entry], yet have the title with subtitle in the bibliography. We can easily add a booksubtitle field to the specification, to be handled like title/subtitle. Thank you. That would be very nice. Also in the INBOOK example, I notice that the spacing after “Vol.” is a sentence space, and it should not be. The spacing after abbreviations in the bibliography should not depend on setting frenchspacing. The abbreviation is followed by a space. You suggest that they should be treated specially, not like the end of a sentence. This does not only pertain to bibliographies. How is this generally done in TeX/Context for any abbreviations anywhere? (I wouldn't know... ;-) When I have direct control of the abbreviation, I can manage the space. But in this case the bibliography subsystem generates the abbreviation, so I do not have that ability.
-- Rik