I am writing a document in Spanish and I notice that the syllable partitioning of words does not conform to the rules of the language. And so, for example, the word "limitarse" is partitioned as "lim-itarse" (the correct one is "li-mi-tar-se"), "colores" as "col-ores" (instead of "co-lo-res"), "abstenerse" as "absten-erse" (and it should be "abs-te-ner-se"), etc. These are too many errors; moreover, given that the syllabic partitioning rules in Spanish are relatively simple. Is it possible that something has been changed in the Spanish language module? I do not know Lua and therefore I am not in a position to correct the corresponding module on my own, but I could synthesize the syllable partitioning rules for those who can, if they do not speak Spanish and need help in that field. -- Joaquín Ataz López Universidad de Murcia | jal@um.es