14 May
14 May
8:33 p.m.
On Thu, 14 May 2015, Kate F wrote:
I'm typesetting unix manpages, where I want each section heading to be outset slightly relative to the body text of that section. In other words, I want the body text to have a left margin which is narrower than the page width.
I know I can do this with something like:
\startsection[title=Synopsis] \startnarrower blah blah blah \stopnarrower \stopsection
But I'd much rather set the left margin (or achieving the effect of \startnarrower by some other means) using the setups for \startsection instead. That way I won't need to have \startnarrower .. \stopnarrower all over my document.
\setuphead[section][after={\startnarrower}, aftersection={\stopnarrower}] Aditya