On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 14:36:33 +0100
Sanjoy Mahajan
It works for me if put a \par or a empty line after the first \input.
That's true, but doing so ends the paragraph. Shouldn't the displayed math be part of the paragraph? The \input tufte's were just to make the minimal example. It came from a paragraph with text and math that begins with a figure:
Then lots of text about the figure, leading up to \startformula this equation \stopformula then more text discussing the equation...
Ok, I playes yesterday I bit with your example and can you give now a solution for your problem. \starttext % This works \hangindent4cm \hangafter-3 \input tufte $$ A = a^\alpha b^\beta, $$ \input tufte \blank[line] % The group around the formula produces the error. I tried this also % with plain TeX and I worked without problems. A ConTeXt bug. \hangindent4cm \hangafter-3 \input tufte \bgroup $$ A = a^\alpha b^\beta, $$ \egroup \input tufte % Test if my path works also with intending %\setupindenting[yes,medium] %\setupformulas[indentnext=yes] % Patch for startformula/s, look a hangindent and hangafter. \unprotect \def\dostopformula {\doplaceformulanumber \getvalue{\e!stop\formulaparameter\c!alternative\v!formula}% \resetlastlinewidth \nonoindentation \dochecknextindentation{\??fm\currentformula}% \egroup \hangafter\minusone % added \hangindent\zeropoint % added \setfalse\handleformulanumber \dorechecknextindentation} % here ? \def\startformulas#1\stopformulas % new / to be internationalized {\bgroup \forgetdisplayskips \startdisplaymath \setlocalhsize \long\def\startformula##1\stopformula{\advance\scratchcounter \plusone}% \scratchcounter\zerocount #1% preroll \divide \hsize \scratchcounter \hbox to \localhsize \bgroup \hss \def\normalstartformula{\vskip-\strutdepth$$}% i hate this \def\normalstartformula{\vskip-\strutdepth$$}% i hate this \def\normalstopformula {$$}% \def\startformula{$\vcenter\bgroup\normalstartformula}% \def\stopformula {\normalstopformula\egroup$\hss}% #1% \egroup \stopdisplaymath \egroup \hangafter\minusone % added \hangindent\zeropoint} % added \protect % No longer a problem, my patch works. \hangindent4cm \hangafter-3 \input tufte \startformula A = a^\alpha b^\beta, \stopformula \input tufte \blank[line] \hangindent4cm \hangafter-3 \input tufte \startformulas \startformula A = a^\alpha b^\beta, \stopformula \stopformulas \input tufte \stoptext Wolfgang