\starttypescript[serif][gentium-basic] \definefontsynonym[Serif] [GentiumBasic] \definefontsynonym[SerifItalic] [GentiumBasicItalic] \definefontsynonym[SerifBold] [GentiumBasicBold] \definefontsynonym[SerifBoldItalic][GentiumBasicBoldItalic] \stoptypescript
Cool, that clarifies a lot for me, thanks :) So \startypescript uses xetex after all! The most compact construction I got working was the following: \definetypeface [LiberationSans][ss][Xsans][Liberation Sans][default] [encoding=uc] ... \def\subsect{\setupbodyfont[LiberationSans, 18pt]} ... \setuphead [subsection] ... style=\subsect] Unfortunately, ConTeXt tends to compile this document three times before giving me the PDF. (Makes you wonder!) And anyway, what is the difference between typescripts and typefaces in ConTeXt terms? The only thing I found in docs was that \definefont works in the context of the current construction. Best regards, Dima