30 May
30 May
11:04 p.m.
https://github.com/Witiko/markdown is forked from https://github.com/jgm/lunamark. Github user "jgm" is John MacFarlane, the creator of pandoc, and pandoc itself is hosted on github under "jgm" as well: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc. So, it seems a good bet that https://github.com/Witiko/markdown supports pandoc markdown. Regards, David. Excerpts from Saša Janiška's message of May 30, 2019 7:48 pm:
Hans Hagen
writes: just test it and tell me what needs to be fixed / added
I'm looking at https://github.com/Witiko/markdown and wondering which flavour of Markdown this package does support?
By reading https://github.com/Witiko/markdown/issues/25 it could mean it could be Pandoc's one, but not sure?