Am 17.02.2014 um 19:28 schrieb Rudolf Bahr
Hello listmembers,
1. With "\setupbackgrounds" finally I achieved what I intended (see pdf-file), according to Context reference manual p. 187. But a question remains:
Is it a feature of context not to colourize header and footer alone, but only in conjunction with text?
2. In the appended pdf-file it is also to be seen, that the horizontal \hrule strokes are wider than \textwidth, i.e. they begin in leftmargin and extend to within rightmargin, whereas the vertical \vrule strokes exactly are as high as expected.
Is there a bug in my program?
Regards, Rudolf
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------->8 % vim:tw=150:
\setuppapersize [A4,landscape]% \setuplayout [% backspace=42.65mm,leftedge=2mm,leftmargin=20mm,leftmargindistance=5pt,textwidth=230mm,%
Use the width key and not the text width key.
rightmargindistance=5pt,rightmargin=20mm,rightedge=2mm% topspace=22mm,header=12mm,headerdistance=2mm,textheight=164mm,footerdistance=2mm,footer=12mm% ]% \showframe \showsetups
% works as expected, the whole page is red: \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=color, backgroundcolor=red]
% the next does nothing, even being alone (the other \setupbackgrounds commented out) % I tried to colorize only header and footer, without text \setupbackgrounds [text] [header,footer] [background=color, backgroundcolor=yellow]
Change the first and second argument. Wolfgang