Hello, I have a question about the t-ancientgreek module for typesetting ancient Greek. I am using DroppedCaps (although I am dropping a numeral instead of a letter in a paragraph...I modified the DroppedString to contain the numerals 0-9) in a paragraph of ancient Greek typeset in the GreekGentiumAlt font. Most paragraphs look fine, but occasionally a word will extend out into the margin instead of being hyphenated or wrapped over into the next line. Here is a bit of sample code that shows this: % Use t-ancientgreek module for typesetting ancient Koine Greek \usemodule[ancientgreek][font=GreekGentiumAlt,scale=1] % Set up indentation parameters \setupindenting[medium] \indenting[always] % Set up inter-paragraph spacing \setupwhitespace[medium] % Set up macros to handle drop-cap chapter numbers \def\DropChapOne{\DroppedCaps{}{Serif}{3.8\baselineskip}{2pt}{2\baselineskip}{3}} \def\DropChap{\DroppedCaps{}{Serif}{2.3\baselineskip}{3pt}{1\baselineskip}{2}} % Set up book start macro...Syntax: book[Chapter][Verse]{Text} \def\book[#1][#2]#3{\par\DropChapOne{#1}\localgreek{#3}} % Set up chapter start macro...Syntax: chapt[Chapter][Verse]{Text} \def\chap[#1][#2]#3{\par\DropChap{#1}\localgreek{#3}} % Set up verse macro...Syntax: verse[Chapter][Verse]{Text} \def\verse[#1][#2]#3{\high{\tfxx \bf #2}\localgreek{#3}} \starttext \book[1][1]{Ὃ ἦí ἀð'' ἀñ÷ῆò, ὃ ἀêçêüáìåí, ὃ ἑùñÜêáìåí ôïῖò ὀöèáëìïῖò ἡìῶí, ὃ ἐèåáóÜìåèá, êáὶ áἱ ÷åῖñåò ἡìῶí ἐøçëÜöçóáí ðåñὶ ôïῦ ëüãïõ ôῆò æùῆò.} \verse[1][2]{Êáὶ ἡ æùὴ ἐöáíåñþèç, êáὶ ἑùñÜêáìåí, êáὶ ìáñôõñïῦìåí, êáὶ ἀðáããÝëëïìåí ὑìῖí ôὴí æùὴí ôὴí áἰþíéïí, ἥôéò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí ðáôÝñá, êáὶ ἐöáíåñþèç ἡìῖí.} \verse[1][3]{Ὃ ἑùñÜêáìåí êáὶ ἀêçêüáìåí, ἀðáããÝëëïìåí ὑìῖí, ἵíá êáὶ ὑìåῖò êïéíùíßáí ἔ÷çôå ìåè'' ἡìῶí· êáὶ ἡ êïéíùíßá äὲ ἡ ἡìåôÝñá ìåôὰ ôïῦ ðáôñὸò êáὶ ìåôὰ ôïῦ õἱïῦ áὐôïῦ Ἰçóïῦ ÷ñéóôïῦ·}\stoptext Note also that some fonts show this problem while others do not. For instance, the Aristarcoj font does not show this problem. Also, if I remove the dropped cap numeral from any given paragraph, the problem does away. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong, or how I can correct this problem? Any help anyone is able to give will be greatly appreciated! Jeff Dodson _____________________________________________________________________ Call Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere in the World - FREE! Free Internet calling from NetZero Voice Visit http://www.netzerovoice.com today!