On 17.10.2011 14:00, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Important for simplefonts are the entries in the first colums, you can use
\setmainfont[telegrotesk][regularfont=* nor,boldfont=* fett]
to enable the font.
Ah, that is what I was looking for. Bold works now! Thank you! :-) There's still one problem though: italic doesn't work. I guess the font doesn't provide that feature by itself, but can it be emulated/enabled?
The --info output for normal ... mtx-fonts | family : telegrotesknor
... and bold: mtx-fonts | family : telegroteskfet
What would be the preferred way to setup the font in this scenario? As you can see from this two entries the fonts internal names are a mess, both should be “family: telegrotesk” for a proper names font but this isn’t the case here and the reason why automatic detection fails.
AFAIK the font was designed by URW who I would expect to do better than that ... but well, it's an old font and maybe it was done in a hurry :D -- Best Regards, Andreas Schneider