Hi all, The following example with the chemical module complains that "! Argument of \mtharrowfill has an extra }.". ----------- \usemodule[chemic] \starttext $$ \chemical{2H_2,PLUS,O_2,GIVES,2H_2O} $$ \stoptext ----------- The result pdf looks fine, though. The annoying problem only occurs when there's an arrow "GIVES", and only in display mode. I am using ConTeXt 2007.08.24, and the complete warning message is ----------- ! Argument of \mtharrowfill has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \chemicaloutermolecule ...chemicalstyle {\strut #1 }$}\doresetsubscripts }\ma... \dochemicalouterarrow ...>\!!zeropoint \box 4\fi } \egroup \p!compareprocessactionD ...ommalistelement {#3}#2 \expandafter \quitcommalis... \next2 #1,->\p!dodoprocessaction {#1} \doprocesscommaitem ... ----------- Thanks a lot, shenchen