Hi all, in composed words with hyphen inside (e.g. modro-zelený = blue-green), the hyphen character must be repeated at the beginning of the new line (modro-/-zelený). This rule is obligatory for Czech and Slovak typesetting. I am able to implement this feature by defining a new command (see \def\= below) but it means that all appearances of "-" must be replaced (manually) in the source text. I tried all options of \setuphyphenation but no one gives the correct result. Is there any way in ConTeXt how to set it by default? Best wishes, Tomáš %%%%%% MWE: \starttext\mainlanguage[cz] \def\myboxik#1#2{\start\setuphyphenation[cz][method=#1]\startframedtext[width=1dd]\hbox{{\bf#1}}\crlf#2\stopframedtext\stop\par} \def\mybox#1{\myboxik{traditional}{#1}\myboxik{default}{#1}\myboxik{expanded}{#1}\myboxik{original}{#1}\myboxik{tex}{#1}\myboxik{hyphenate}{#1}\myboxik{none}{#1}} \mybox{modro-zelený} \def\={\discretionary{-}{-}{-}} \mybox{modro\=zelený} \stoptext %%%%%%