Hi, Please, help me with SimpleSlides module (Swoosh style), my old presentation which I'm trying to update isn't working. -- Minimal example is: -- \usemodule[simpleslides] [font=Gothic, style=Swoosh] \setupTitle [ title={\\ Title}, author={Author}, date={}] \starttext \placeTitle \stoptext -- Result: -- simpleslides > loading Swoosh style system > command '\NormalHeight' is already defined system > command '\NormalWidth' is already defined system > command '\PictureFrameHeight' is already defined system > command '\PictureFrameWidth' is already defined ! LuaTeX error [string "\directlua "]:1: invalid escape sequence near '\S'. system > tex > error on line 150 in file C:/contextminimal/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/simpleslides/simpleslides-s-Swoosh.tex: LuaTeX error ... 140 \define\SScolorscontrastb{r=.1,g=.1,b=.4} 141 142 %D I'm still trying to implement a color mechanism that can be set by the users 143 %D in their files. 144 145 \def\setupSimpleSlideColors[#1]% 146 {\getparameters[SScolors][#1]} 147 148 % \setupSimpleSlideColors[background={r=1,g=0,b=0}] 149 150 >> \definecolor [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] [\SScolorsbackground] 151 \definecolor [simpleslides:contrastcolor] [\SScolorscontrasta] 152 \definecolor [simpleslides:altcontrastcolor] [\SScolorscontrastb] 153 \definecolor [simpleslides:itemize:color] [simpleslides:contrastcolor] 154 \definecolor [simpleslides:textcolor] [simpleslides:altcontrastcolor] 155 156 \setupcolors[textcolor=simpleslides:textcolor] 157 158 %D We use \METAPOST\ to draw backgrounds. 159 160 \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:horizontal} \ctxcommand #1^^@-\directlua {commands.#1} \colo_basics_define ...lse,\v_colo_freeze_state )} \unexpanded \setvalue {#1}... l.150 ...:backgroundcolor] [\SScolorsbackground] ? Regards, Vyatcheslav