Adam, Taco, Hans, et al, This file: %output=pdf \startcomponent section1 \project book \product chapter1 \section{Trinomials} \input knuth \placeformula[eq:1] \startformula f(x)=x^2+2x-3 \stopformula We, see in \in{Equation}[eq:1], the historical use of function notation. \stopcomponent %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: I have no font instructions in my environment file bookenv.tex. This component section1 compiles fine and gives me (checking in Acrobat Professional) a combination of latin modern and computer modern fonts. However, they hardly match in size. The computer modern font is much larger than the text in latin modern font. So, a couple of things. 1. If I wanted to try and see if this would compile with my Lucida fonts, what should I try. 2. Do you have a couple of suggestions for body font and math font that would look good together and can you provide me with the font instructions to include them in my document? I would be grateful. David