Joey McCollum via ntg-context schrieb am 06.08.2021 um 19:12:
I'd like to define my own class of heading derived from the "part" heading; in the MWE below, it's called "MyPart". I'd like this heading to have the following features:
* Its title should appear in the ToC, but its number should never be printed in the ToC or in the text. * It should always start on an odd page. * Its text should be in a larger size than the text of the body, set in all caps, and set with extra letterspacing. * Most importantly, the title of the heading should appear on its own page without a header or footer. The text of the body should begin on the next odd page.
I was hoping to accomplish all of this within the \setuphead command, and it seems like this should be possible, but in the following example, I'm not getting the text of the header at all:
I expect there's something obvious that I'm missing, but any help is appreciated.
Most of the stuff was already answered by Pablo. Below is my version how to set the layout to fit the requirements. \definefontfamily [garamond] [rm] [EBGaramond] \setupbodyfont [garamond,12pt] \definefont [MyPartFont] [Serif at 24pt] [line=36pt] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided, location=] \setupinterlinespace [line=18pt] \definepagebreak [blankpagebreak] [yes,header,footer,right] \definehead [MyPart] [part] \definecharacterkerning [mypartkerning] [factor=0.6666, features=letterspacing] \setuphead [MyPart] [placehead=yes, number=no, page=blankpagebreak, header=empty, footer=empty, align={flushleft,nothyphenated}, style=MyPartFont, textstyle={\setcharacterkerning[mypartkerning]\setcharactercasing[WORD]}, after={\page[blankpagebreak]}] \setupheadertexts [\structureuservariable{booktitle}] [] [] [\structureuservariable{booktitle}] \setupfootertexts [pagenumber] [] [] [pagenumber] \setupblank [line,fixed] \starttext \startMyPart [title={Title for Title Page}] [booktitle={Title for Header}] \dorecurse{6}{\input knuth\par} \stopMyPart \stoptext Wolfgang