On Wed, 24 Nov 2021, Clint Grady via ntg-context wrote:
Are there any known ways to use ConTeXtLMTX with Neovim?
Not that I am aware of.
I read the wiki page for Vim and it describes a hack to get latex-suite to work with ConTeXt. [1] It wouldn't be too much work to submit a pull-request to VimTeX (despite the name, this is for Neovim) [2] to add ConTeXt support, but I don't want to duplicate work if someone else has already done it.
Please do so. There are different levels of what it means for a editor to support a language. I guess that you are talking about async compilation support, but keep in mind that context has a different error format than latex for that needs to be set different as well. It will be nice to have support to pass command line flags via the editor. Context also has a (slightly buggy) syntax checker (mtxrun --script check ..) which could be integrated. I don't know what is the current state of context syntax highlighting support in vim/neovim (I use a highly modifies syntax file). It will be nice to have support of \startMP(code|page) and \startluacode to do syntax highlighting for metapost and lua. Metafun has added some new keywords and it will be nice to support those. I believe that context ships with a file that outputs all these keywords but I don't remember the name. It will be cool to have a more integrated support, like showing table of contents in the sidebar, (these are stored as a lua table in the tuc file and neovim has inbuilt lua interpreter, so...), modifying the jump keys so that so that ]] etc work correctly (with the context syntax) and so on. I'll be happy to test your pull request if you want. Aditya