Hi List, How do you make a hyperlink for a bibtex entry's title using the entry's URL? The bibtex entries include articles, techreports, inproceedings, books, and so forth. I can work around the issue by duplicating the URL as follows. For example, save this as "sources.bib": @inproceedings{schryen@security, author={Schryen, Guido and Rich, Eliot}, title={\bibhref{Increasing software security through open source or closed source development? Empirics suggest that we have asked the wrong question}{http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/21293/}}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, series={HICSS '10}, year={2010}, isbn={978-0-7695-3869-3}, pages={1--10}, numpages={10}, doi={10.1109/HICSS.2010.228}, acmid={1748219}, publisher={IEEE Computer Society}, address={Washington, DC, USA}, url={http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/21293/}, } Here is a short example that uses the sources.bib file: \setupbibtex[database=sources] \setuppublications[ alternative=num, sorttype=cite, ] % Superscript citation cross-references. \setupcite[num][ left=\raisebox{1ex}\hbox\bgroup\tfxx, right=\egroup, ] \definecolor[WPexternal][h=B93507] \setupinteraction[ state=start, ] \def\WPHyperlink{% \setupinteraction[ style=normal, color=WPexternal, ]% } \define[2]\bibhref{% \WPHyperlink {\goto{#1}[url(#2)]}% } \starttext \startbodymatter \startchapter[title={Title},] \startsection[title={Transparency}] The complete source code is open for analysis and development.\cite[schryen@security] \stopsection \stopchapter \stopbodymatter \startbackmatter \completepublications[criterium=text] \stopbackmatter \stoptext The title is hyperlinked, but mixes presentation with content and duplicates the URL. Note that the colour is also changed to match the other external links in the document. Thank you.