For some reason I cannot get bibtex to create my bibliography files for a paper typeset in context with m-bib. When I run bibtex, I get the following error. [231] 10:25AM% bibtex clarifyingObfuscation_ctx ~/Sandia/52597/Whitebox/pureWhite/current This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.5.2) The top-level auxiliary file: clarifyingObfuscation_ctx.aux I couldn't open style file cont-no.bst ---line 2 of file clarifyingObfuscation_ctx.aux : \bibstyle{cont-no : } I'm skipping whatever remains of this command I found no style file---while reading file clarifyingObfuscation_ctx.aux (There were 2 error messages) The aux file contais just the following three lines: \citation{*} \bibstyle{cont-no} \bibdata{crypto} And the m-bib setup lines I am using are as follows: \def\brnum#1% {[#1]} \usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database=crypto] % use crypto.bib %\setuppublications[alternative=aps] % you don't have the 'aps' choice, yet \setuppublications[numbering=yes,refcommand=num,numbercommand=\brnum] \setuppublicationlist[author=\normalauthor, artauthor=\normalauthor, editor=\normalauthor, surnamesep=, namesep={, }, finalnamesep={, }, lastnamesep={, }, firstnamesep=\ ] I have tried copying the *.bst files into the working directory, which did not work (I get the exact same error from bibtex). Bibtex runs just fine on my latex typeset files, so it is not a problem with bibtex itself. Does anyone have any suggestions? William D. Neumann --- "Well I could be a genius, if I just put my mind to it. And I...I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it. Oh we were brought up on the space-race, now they expect you to clean toilets. When you've seen how big the world is, how can you make do with this? If you want me, I'll be sleeping in - sleeping in throughout these glory days." -- Jarvis Cocker