From memory...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install Wine and Npp on Linux, read - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/nppLinux.php - http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wineusr-guide/getting-wine#INSTALLATION-METH... I followed the latter and everything went fine. For your information: - later on I discovered this page but haven't used it Recommended Packages (Building Wine on 32bit) http://wiki.winehq.org/Recommended_Packages - additional Wine information, Wine How To http://www.winehq.org/site/howto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install the Npp ConTeXt Support Package's (NppCSP) to Npp/LNX/Wine (NppLW): (1) close NppLW (2) check the installed Wine fonts in NppLW's \home\<username>\.wine\drive_c\windows\Fonts If some fonts you used in NppXP's settings are missing in this folder, copy the corresponding font files from XP's c:\WINDOWS\Fonts to the above one. (3) Copy the NppCSP's (3a) Program Files\Notepad++ contents to NppLW's \home\<username>\.wine\drive_c\Program Files\Notepad++ (3b) Application Data\Notepad++ contents to NppLW's \home\<username>\.wine\drive_c\windows\profiles\<username>\Application Data\Notepad++ (3c) ConTeXt directory contents to NppLW's \home\<username>\.wine\drive_c\context ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you changed NppCSP's default settings (colors, fonts, ... ) in NppXP, to copy NppXP's - Settings -> Preferences - Settings -> Styler Configurator settings - View -> User Define Dialog settings to NppLW, copy NppXP's (1) c:\Program Files\Notepad++\*.xml files to NppLW's \home\<username>\.wine\drive_c\Program Files\Notepad++\ (2) c:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Notepad++\*.xml files ,EXCEPT session.xml, to NppLW's \home\<username>\.wine\drive_c\windows\profiles\<username>\Application Data\Notepad++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats it! ;O) Remains... Making NppLW's console talk with the context minimal installation in /opt/context. Any ideas anyone ? -- Best, Alan Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron (Desktop) * ConTeXt ver: 2008.09.16 19:49 MKIV fmt: 2008.9.20 int: english/english (ConTeXt minimals installation) * texexec --lua foo