On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 19:18:19 -0700, leon
What editor do you use for editing conTeXt file? I've been using auctex with emacs for editting latex files?
Are you on Unix, Mac, or Windows? Hans Hagen uses Scite, a context-ready version is available from Pragma (at least for Windows, I'm sure the configuration files are available for other platforms); I mostly use WinEdt, perhaps the best TeX-editor ever for endusers, but it's Windows only-( and no Unicode-(( Fabrice has a ConTeXt-aware version of XEmacs that comes with XemTeX for Windows; perhaps his configuration files can easily be ported to Linux, etc... Others on the list can point you to auctex configuration files for context, or the best Mac editors, etc. Hmm, just looked at the wiki; check this out: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Text_editor Best Idris