On Mon, 22 Aug 2011, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 22-8-2011 00:14, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Sun, 21 Aug 2011, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Current version doesn’t work at all: - it writes the buffer with doubled filename and extension parts, i.e. from foo.tex "foo-foo-temp-lilypond.tmp.tmp", but looks for "foo-temp-lilypond.tmp".
The \savebuffer command has changed!!!
well, you wanted a jobname as prefix -)
In MkII, not MkIV :)
(in mkii that only happens with the \protectbuffers flag is set, in mkiv always)
Just tell me what you expect
My preference is for \savebuffer[...][filename] to write contents in filename. No funny prefix or suffix. If you have to add prefix and suffixes, please make it configurable (like \bufferprefix and \f!temporaryfilenameextension in MkII). With the current MkIV implementation, I cannot directly write the buffer to a file in another directory. Of course, I can work around using file.move, but that is adding one extra step. Aditya