Hi Everybody, I am trying to develop a module for writing Nassi-Schneidermann-Diagrams. I thought I would use framed and metafun. But, I have run into, for me at least, strange behaviour. I have given MWE and attach the result and a second file which is required. What I do not understand is why the first line after \MyBoxit is "indented" (see source and result below). The second is why when I nest \MyBoxit do I get extra vertical space? Yes, I have found a work around, as I was preparing this mail. Notice, the use of location! What I would want is to leave "location=top" in the setup. Thanx for any help. regards Keith. MWE: \useMPlibrary [txt] \input {Nassi.tex} \defineframed[MyBoxit][framed] \setupframed[MyBoxit] [%background=Statement,% frame=none,% width=10cm,% align=right,% location=top,% framecolor=yellow,% rulethickness=2pt,% %backgroundcolor=white,% strut=no,% heigth=fit,% offset=0pt, frameoffset=0pt, depth=0pt, top=, backgroundoffset=0pt% ] \defineoverlay[MyBoxit][MyBoxit] \starttext Here is the First Problem\par \MyBoxit[width=10cm] { \Statement{First Statement} \Statement{Second Statement} } \crlf With a \% after the opening brace no problem! \par \MyBoxit[width=10cm] {% \Statement{First Statement} \Statement{Second Statement} } \crlf Second problem:\par How do I avoid added space!\par \MyBoxit[width=10cm] {% \IfStatement{$\frac{(x < y)}{z} \gt gh$ OR $x \neq z$ AND \| \\ $z ≥ 2$ AND $z 2$} \MyBoxit[width=10cm]{% \MyBoxit[width=5cm]{% \Statement{First Left} \Statement{Second Left} }% \MyBoxit[width=5cm]{% \Statement{On the right want to be moved up} } } \Statement{Third} } \crlf Should look like this\par \MyBoxit[width=10cm] {% \IfStatement{$\frac{(x < y)}{z} \gt gh$ OR $x \neq z$ AND \| \\ $z ≥ 2$ AND $z 2$} \MyBoxit[width=10cm, location=]{% \MyBoxit[width=5cm, location=top]{% \Statement{First Left} \Statement{Second Left} }% \MyBoxit[width=5cm, location=top]{% \Statement{On the right want to be moved up} } } \Statement{Third} } \stoptext