-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans Hagen
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. März 2021 17:42 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users ; Maier, Denis Christian (UB) Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] Another bug with ligature-blocking? On 3/24/2021 4:48 PM, denis.maier@ub.unibe.ch wrote:
\definefontfamily[times][rm][Times New Roman] don't assume beforehand that something that doesn't work as expected is a bug
Sorry, Hans, I didn't mean to be offensive.
the font just has no ligatures defined which you can remedy (in this cae) with because it does have the glyphs
\startluacode fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { name = "moreligatures", type = "ligature", data = { ['ff'] = { "f", "f" }, ['fi'] = { "f", "i" }, ['fl'] = { "f", "l" }, } } \stopluacode
\blockligatures[begrif:fl:ich] \definefontfeature[default][default][dlig=yes,liga=yes,moreligatures=yes] \definefontfamily[times][rm][Times New Roman] \definefontfamily[termes[rm][TeX Gyre Termes]
{\switchtobodyfont[times] \definedfont[Serif*default] begrifflich ff fi fl\blank \definedfont[Serif*default:block] begrifflich ff fi fl\blank} {\switchtobodyfont[termes]\definedfont[Serif*default] begrifflich ff fi fl\blank \definedfont[Serif*default:block] begrifflich ff fi fl\blank}
I'm not sure I understand what is going on here. I thought \blockligatures simply means that instead of a ligature you'll have the regular glyphs in the output. Is that not correct? Denis