Hello, I don’t understand the behaviour in the second line – this line is not really filled, but there is a linebreak (in case of some hyphenations quite ugly too) Any solution? Markus ==================================================================== \usemodule [simplefonts] \definefontfeature [default] [default] [mode=node, script=latn] \setupbodyfont [12pt] \definefontsize [g] \setupbodyfontenvironment [default] [g=0.95] \setuplist [section] [alternative=b, width=1.2em, style=\tt\tfg] \usemodule [typearea] \setupTypeArea [alphabets=1.8] \starttext \completelist \startsection [title={Sectiontitle}, list={Sectiontitle abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc}] \stopsection \stoptext