Hi, I found that my text, which is set in two columns, looks better with auto-hyphenation disabled using: \setupalign[nothyphenated] There are however several over-hanging words that I will need ConTeXt to hyphenate. I've searched the mailing list and manual and have found no information on how to do this. The info I did find was about how to influence the automatic hyphenation. How do I manually indicate to ConTeXt that a word should be hyphenation. For example if I wanted to manually force a page break or column break I would use \page and \column respectively, but what about hyphenation? At the moment I'm using: ... document-\crlf ation ... to manually create a hyphenation. Is there a better way? TIA, Elliot -- " By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately, and well. That is one of the ends for which they exist. " Robert Bringhurst (1946-)