On Sun, Dec 02, 2012 at 10:58:56AM +0100, Steve White wrote:
Hi all,
I finally got something like Pablo's test working on my system. It doesn't show much new. As had already been established, with the right ConTeXt switches, OpenType features of kerning and ligatures work correctly with FreeSerif.
Find attached. If there's a better way to do this, please comment: I may put some of this in the FreeFront usage notes. (Hm... I may tighten the italic y a bit.)
A question remains: Why does ConTeXt (like some other TeX derivatives that use OpenType) not determine the OpenType script of runs of text from the Unicode (or other encoding) character range? All other font layout systems I know of do this. (Remember- a run of text in the OpenType sense is not the same as the scope of a TeX environment, it is typically a word, separated by white space or punctuation.)
Determining the script of a run of text is not that simple, take "english (ARABIC.)"; to which script should the parenthesis and the period be classified? (they have a "common" script property in Unicode and not assigned to any given script). Unicode annex #24 provides an algorithm for to handle this that an engine should implement: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr24/ Regards, Khaled