Dear Hans, It is nice to input the function as an argument. It is suffice to convey one function at each all. But the definition of the function
local function logicF3(p,q,r) return ((not p or not q) and r) or (p and (q or not r)) -- return ((p == "0" or q == "0") and r == "1") or (p == "1" and (q == "1" or r == "0")) end
Is not working. The outputs are blank(for false) and “?”(for true) Here is a working example. Thank you for enhancing the code. Best regards, Dalyoung \startluacode function document.MakeHead(p,a) if not a then local t = p p = string.rep("|mcw(1cm)",#p-1) .. "|mcw(2cm)|" a = t end context.starttabulate { p } context.FL() for i=1,#a do context.NC() context(a[i]) end context.NC() context.NR() context.LL() end function document.MakeFooter() context.HL() context.stoptabulate() end local tf = { true, false } function document.truthTable(a,func) document.MakeHead(a) for i,s in ipairs(tf) do for j,t in ipairs(tf) do for k,u in ipairs(tf) do context.NC() context(s and "1" or "0") context.NC() context(t and "1" or "0") context.NC() if #a == 3 then break end context(u and "1" or "0") context.NC() context(func(s,t,u)) context.NC() context.AR() end if #a == 3 then context(func(s,t)) context.NC() context.AR() end end end document.MakeFooter() end \stopluacode —- We define a logic function before we call the main function. —- by changing the function, we get the result for two variables. \startluacode --statistics.starttiming() local function logicF(p,q,r) if (not q) and (p or r) then return "1" else return "0" end —- return (not q) and (p or r) end document.truthTable({ "x", "y","z","f(x,y,x)"},logicF) \stopluacode \stoptext