Am 12.04.10 15:47, schrieb Marco:
I wanted to wikify the command »\nocap« and tried it out. But it does seen to have any effect, see the example from the manual:
\starttext \cap {People that have gathered their \cap {capital} at the cost of other people are not seldom \nocap {decapitated} in revolutionary times.} \stoptext
The word »decapitated« ist also capitalized.
With MkIV \cap and \nocap is no longer necessary when you have a opentype font with the smcp (smallcapitals) and c2sc (capitals to smallcapitals) features. \definefontfeature[caps] [smcp=yes,c2sc=yes] \definefontfeature[nocaps][smcp=no,c2sc=no] \setupbodyfont[termes] \starttext {\addff{caps} People that have gathered their {\tx capital} at the cost of other people are not seldom {\addff{nocaps} decapitated} in revolutionary times.} \stoptext The result is different from \cap because everything is set as smallcapitals so here is the MkIV defintion for \nocap. \unexpanded\def\notsmallcapped{\groupedcommand{\setcharactercasing[\plustwo]\char\zerocount}{}} \starttext \cap {People that have gathered their \cap {capital} at the cost of other people are not seldom \nocap {decapitated} in revolutionary times.} \stoptext Wolfgang