On Sat, 14 May 2011, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
I'm trying to typeset some linear algebra exercises for my students; the exercises will be within a table, and each second element will be a system of linear equations. This sort of thing:
\starttable[|l|M|l|M|] \NC (a) \NC %
\startmathalignment[n=7,align={right,middle,right,middle,right,middle,right}] \NC 3x\NC +\NC 6y\NC -\NC 2z\NC =\NC -13\NR \NC -6x\NC -\NC 9y\NC +\NC 5z\NC =\NC 22\NR \NC 3x\NC +\NC 3y\NC -\NC 5z\NC =\NC -13\NR \stopmathalignment \NC (b) \NC %
\startmathalignment[n=7,align={right,middle,right,middle,right,middle,right}] \NC x\NC +\NC 3y\NC +\NC 3z\NC =\NC -4\NR \NC x\NC +\NC 4y\NC +\NC 5z\NC =\NC -5\NR \NC 2x\NC +\NC 4y\NC +\NC 3z\NC =\NC -5\NR \stopmathalignment \NC\AR \stoptable
But this doesn't work. There seems to be a problem with the mathalignment environment within the table. What do I need enclose these in so that they will be treated as displayed equations within the table environment?
(Untested): \framed[align=normal,width=fit]{\startformula \startmathalignment ... \stopmathalignment \stopformula} math alignment is a display math environment, and must be inside a \startformula ... \stopformula. Two comments: 1. You know about \definemathalignment, right? 2. I think that this effect can be obtained more easily using \startitemize[two,columns,a] \item ... \item .. \stopitemize but you might need to insert a negative \vskip (or \blank) to get matrix to align with the item symbol. Aditya