Am 24.02.2012 um 10:06 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:
Hi all,
shouldn't this work? I get no content for the marking:
\startchapter[title={Hello World},marking={A}]
Marks aren’t the right tool for this because they are meant for text which goes into the header and footer after the page is finished. There is another mechanism which does what you want. \setupheadertexts[chapter] \define[2]\ChapterCommand {\vbox\bgroup\starttabulate \NC Title \EQ \structurevariable{title} \NC\NR \NC Marking \EQ \structurevariable{marking} \NC\NR \stoptabulate\egroup} \setuphead[chapter][command=\ChapterCommand] \starttext \startchapter[title={Hello World},marking={A}] \starttabulate \NC Title \EQ \namedstructurevariable{chapter}{title} \NC\NR \NC Marking \EQ \namedstructurevariable{chapter}{marking} \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopchapter \stoptext Wolfgang