On Sat, 30 Jul 2011, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 30-7-2011 4:59, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
If I compile a file called 1.md, the output file is called context-extra.pdf. I think it will be better if the default output is <basename>.pdf.
that is problematic with other extras as there we often have temp output files (e.g. extra=listing)
one can of course use --result=<basename>
OK. Can the load order of mtx-context-markdown be changed? Suppose I have an environment file, env.tex that sets fonts, styles, and layout. If I use context --extra=markdown --environment=env file then the environment file is loaded *before* mtx-context-markdown.tex. Therefore, the font setup and layout set in the environment file are overwritten by mtx-context-markdown. I am not sure what is the best way to avoid this. Aditya